Municipalities & Government Auctions is the perfect place for Municipalities & Government offices to sell their assets through municipality or government auctions, specifically in Michigan but across the country as well. We are here to make the sale of your assets as easy and profitable as possible. We will help you get the most value for your assets by utilizing our team of experts working for you – sales, marketing, internet services, customer service, and more – while your property is stored in one of our secure locations.
Reasons you should sell with us:
- Our auctions are open to all potential bidders, generating higher selling prices than if they were simply open to dealers.
- We have regular weekly auctions so you can buy/sell whenever is best for you.
- Safe & easy transactions – we interact with the public for you so you don’t have to worry about it.
- Hauling services.
- Secured fenced facilities to keep your property safe.
- Storage services that make it convenient for you to leave your assets on site.
- Municipalities & Government Client Statements.
- Highly competitive bidding – Over 730,000 Registered Active Bidders.
- We will generate the most bidders and the best selling price while limiting your liability and exposure.
- Based in West Michigan which is convenient for local government auctions in Michigan
Ready to sell with us? Just complete the form on this page and a representative will contact you to discuss your options. No obligations!
If you would prefer to contact someone directly, please see below or contact us here.